Hi! Let me introduce myself

Herdina Primasanti
1 min readDec 29, 2021

Welcome and thank you for visiting my Medium page. Some of you might have read my articles and know me, some have read but haven’t got a clue who is behind this page, and some are just arrived.

Although you have seen my full name on my page header and URL, I’ll introduce my full name again. My name is Herdina Primasanti, and this is how you pronounce my name: /heːrdiːna primasantiː/. I go with Dina as my nickname, although some people call me by my first name. Here, I write reviews on books that really grab my attention (in a good and bad way). I don’t write reviews on all books I’ve read, because not every book has strong impression when I read them. Plus, I mainly read books for enjoyment only.

I occasionally write things unrelated to book reviews if the matter is quite important and I have an opinion for it. Both reviews and opinions are written in Indonesian or English. If you happen to be non-Indonesian speaker, you may use the ‘See Translation’ by Google Translate when reading my articles written in Indonesian, although you can’t depend on their translations too much. If you think the translated version made by Google Translate is confusing to understand, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section.

I don’t link my social media profiles on this page since each profiles have different audience. I just want to use Medium purely to share my thoughts, not as a device to promote my other profiles.

Happy reading!



Herdina Primasanti

I mostly review books, but occasionally write about other stuff too